May 2, 2013

Panzer II ausf. F  by  Revell

Finally finished!

Finishing touches: wash for dusting/mudding

I've seen picture on internet - PzKpfw II tank - and I liked the color so I decided to paint my model that way. It's a bit blue-ish. I like it that way. And I had so much fun painting it!



There is still some job to be done with terrain, finishing touches so to say, to bring up the depth of track marks a bit.

Next project: T-34! :) SNOOOW VERSION! :D


  1. Where did you get the scenery? Was it a part of the package or was it improvised.

  2. It was part of the package. They have some cool models from that range, they are small, easy to assemble and not time consuming and are coming with some piece of scenery, that's why I like them.
    You don't need to spend a lot of time to have nice result in the end :)
