May 10, 2013

(work in progress)
Made in two days so far, during the May holidays

Still need to put light and fenders in the back. And of course still have to make whole diorama with snow but that's work for some other time...

I wanted to leave front hatch open but since I didn't have driver figure and it would make turret impossible to rotate freely, I have decided to make it just slightly open and according to picture above, I tried to make locks from tooth picks and painted them red:   
(It looks vampirish xD )

That's all for now!

May 3, 2013

KATYUSHA from the "collection of military vehicles"

There's  magazine which comes out twice a month with military vehicle models. They are fair at best so they are ideal for "playing" with them. They are cheap and you can experiment with them and final result is way better then the original.
This one was awful with almost transparent white plastic and ramp couldn't move so I fixed it a bit ^^

My girlfriend told me to paint the lights yellow.It looks cool actually! :)

Mud!!!!Mooore mud!!!

It can extend the ramp now :)

And this is how the original looked like.

May 2, 2013

Panzer II ausf. F  by  Revell

Finally finished!

Finishing touches: wash for dusting/mudding

I've seen picture on internet - PzKpfw II tank - and I liked the color so I decided to paint my model that way. It's a bit blue-ish. I like it that way. And I had so much fun painting it!



There is still some job to be done with terrain, finishing touches so to say, to bring up the depth of track marks a bit.

Next project: T-34! :) SNOOOW VERSION! :D